I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis at the age of fourteen. When the doctor first told me I had MG, I didn’t really take it seriously. I thought to myself “at least it’s not cancer or a brain tumor”. When I got discharged from the hospital, I didn’t take take my mestinon like I should of; I only took it when I felt like I needed it.
A year after my diagnosis, I became seriously ill. I got sick with pneumonia and that’s when my MG became more serious for me. It was also my first encounter with intubation. That was my wake up call. That’s when I knew I had to take care of myself, when I started taking all of my medications as directed. I’m now twenty-four, and in the ten years since my diagnosis, I’ve been intubated thirteen times, and been hospitalized many, many more. I now have a healthy respect for the seriousness of MG. I’ve gotten my thymus removed, experienced plasma exchange and IVIG (which caused aseptic meningitis), and most recently, I’ve started chemotherapy. Chemo has helped keep me out of the hospital for almost a year now. Several years ago, I had a port catheter placed so I could get plasma exchange. It wasn’t until last year when I began chemotherapy and went through four doses, that my catheter somehow became infected. That infection almost cost me my life.
I wish I could say that was the only time my life has been endangered with MG. My journey with this illness it has thought me not to loose faith or take anything for granted. Even though everyday is a battle just to make it through the day, it has taught me to appreciate everything. Before I got diagnosed with MG, I took for granted everything I did, like showering, changing my clothes, eating, walking around my neighborhood and talking. And now, I cherish every single thing I can do on my own. Even though at time’s it’s not much, it is a victory. I thank God for waking me up the day’s that I have and even more when I wake up with energy wanting to do something. I may appear normal and my behavior may look “lazy” or fake to some but inside, my body is literally fighting itself and it takes everything I have to fight back. I have a serious illness and it’s called Myasthenia Gravis and I will beat it!!
–Becky Garcia
Everyone has a story. Each and every one of us has lived such a different journey. We all can give a chronicled account of our life, a reflection of what we have encountered, how we have embraced those experiences and what we have learned. If we simply view it in a simplistic manner than we unknowingly get stuck in the story, and never fully embrace what the journey is all about.
Here is my story, my narrative account: This September it will be exactly 32 years since my first encounter with Myasthenia Gravis, MG. I was awakened one morning to the most unusual world, a total shift in my visual reality. I awoke one day with a major shift in my vision, a visual discrepancy that in a blink of an eye never changed. At first I thought I would literally go mad, as it was so arduous and intrusive to my life. But, as life teaches us, we can choose to resist it and fight it, or go with the flow and accept it. I chose to accept it. Helen Keller, one of my most admired and awe-inspiring authors, led me from a dark place to the light. Her spiritual engagement with life, her uplifting and inspiring attitude taught me so many lessons about embracing the unknown, moving beyond any circumstance with strength and perseverance. We can choose to sit in darkness, or we can move to the light and embrace those shadows. I chose the light.
From there I noticed many symptoms that would move in and out of my daily life like the ebb and flow of the ocean. I was affected by many outside changes to my body from my eye drooping, severe and unrelenting fatigue, chronic muscle weakness, difficulty standing and walking, loss of balance, difficulty swallowing and breathing, choking in my sleep, memory and cognitive issues and more. With the initial onset of these symptoms I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, later to be retracted. Even though I went to various neurologists, I was only diagnosed 3 years ago with MG. Myasthenia Gravis awakened me to how to appreciate life. Within every situation there is a seed of good, no matter what the circumstance is. Our minds are powerful creators, and when we continually focus on the compounding aspects of any challenge we become overwhelmed with the adversity. With that, we now take the never ending cycle of the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual pain, and we compound it and create a place of being a victim. That place creates suffering. Do you really want to suffer? So, how does one learn to deal with the many aspects of any adversity?
I am fortunate that my husband, Gary, is a life and mindset coach. With his mentoring and my ongoing studies, I have been able to see the ‘seed of good’. That is not to say that I never go to a place of sadness or concern, I simply choose not to stay there. The best analogy I can describe in this circumstance is to think of a ladder and its rungs. You cannot go from depression or sadness to happiness and joy in one step. It is one step at a time. So, how do I get there? I pay attention to all the subtle nuances in life. I open up my journal and write down what I noticed for the day, the light streaming through my living room or a butterfly fluttering about my garden. Often it is the simple things in life that bring us such peace, harmony and joy. Also, I have found that when I am busy giving to others, the lightheartedness of giving unconditionally, pure from the heart, it lightens my pathway with joy and my burdens feel so much smaller. Be so busy giving that your troubles become small, and your love for others transcend everywhere, a reflection right back to you. Every time you touch someone’s soul, you have enlivened yours, awakened love everywhere. Gary has been a source of inspiration, a guiding light to show me the advantages of using effective listening tools. Over time I have learned the difference between being an active listener and wound bonding. In wound bonding the other person shares their story. We may think we are showing empathy, but in reality we are simply comparing our stories, a very ineffective way to listen, to show compassion and empathy. To be an active listener: simply be available, be quiet, listen, reflect back what you heard and validate.
Be sure to ask them if there is more. It is not about fixing the situation. It is not about you. It’s about the other person. This tool is so important for the person dealing with MG or any situation, and for their friends, family members, and caregivers to actively use it. Taking it a step further, it is vital that the person that is dealing with the fluctuations of MG or any adversity allow the other person to open up about their feelings. It is so critical. We often forget that our caregivers are hurting too, and the compounding affects any condition or disease will have on others. To receive understanding, compassion, empathy and love, you have to give it too!
During the times I fall down emotionally and spiritually, through the grace of my beliefs and relationship with God, I feel renewed again. Without hope, we yearn for things we desire, perhaps to recapture the place we once were totally healthy and fall short in our faith and create that victim mentality. If we lead with hope then we have a sense of wholeness that all things are possible. I am a hopeful romantic about life, all aspects of life. I believe that all things are possible. Even if I never go in remission, I am led to create the best possible life with whatever my day may bring. Here’s to celebrating life!
Caryl Loper
My life seemed to be finally turning around.
My husband had passed away, and also my father within two weeks of each other. It was very rough. My whole life had changed. I bought a smaller home and downsized and also started an antique booth with my friend.
Life seemed good. I was working at the antique shop in December of 2014 when suddenly I couldn’t talk right. My words seemed to be slurred and hard to get out. I felt weak, just not myself. It was the beginning of a nightmare. Three ER visits and then I was finally hospitalized. I spent both Christmas and my birthday in the hospital wondering what was wrong with me. I couldn’t eat, could barely talk, walk and breathe, or see correctly. It was frightening beyond belief! Then came that fateful diagnosis. “You have Myasthenia Gravis.” I was happy for a diagnosis but very scared. It was going to be a long road ahead and I knew it well. You just fight with all you’ve got and you pray. Your life completely changes forever. They tell you it’s manageable and you’ll get your life back. That’s so hard to believe when you can’t even lift your head.
So many doctors and nurses do not know very much about this disease, which is just as frightening as the disease itself!
We have spread awareness each and every day because it is essential to our survival. We matter! They need to hear us! We fight battles every day that no one else sees. I am better now with Mestinon, Cellcept, and prednisone. I also have
IVIG every month. Life with MG is not easy and every day is a challenge. I have met beautiful people who are so strong and who encourage me along the way.
We Snowflakes always stick together.
There WILL be a cure one day.♡
Never give up.♡
Karen Amacher
Early in 2008, I started experiencing symptoms of MG. I have a mild/moderate case of MG so the symptoms began occurring infrequently. Because I was unaware of what MG was, I was also unaware of the symptoms and may have been experiencing more than I actually remember. My symptoms became more frequent and I finally went to my doctor. He took one look at me and sent me with an emergency referral to a neurologist. Whether luckily or unluckily, I was diagnosed with MG in the summer of 2008. I say that I was lucky because MG, like other auto immune diseases, is difficult to diagnose. I happened to test positive for the Anti-MuSK Antibody Testing which guaranteed my diagnosis. Unlucky because, well, I now knew that I had a chronic disease with no cure.
I am now on medication {that I have to take everyday} and am pretty stable. I see my neurologist once a quarter. If not on my medication, I can barely keep my eyes open, have occasionally had to pull over because of blurred vision, sound like Elmer Fudd, have so much difficulty chewing and swallowing that I immediately lost 20 pounds, have arms so weak that I have to rest from blow drying my hair and sometimes experience so much fatigue that I cannot get out of bed. One of the things that affected me the most is that I felt as if MG had stolen my smile. Because it was so hard to smile, I would often make “funny” faces in photos so that I wouldn’t look awkward. I would get upset because I knew that I couldn’t smile and my husband would say, “Make a funny face!” because he knew that was easier for me.
I have now been dealing with my disease for five years. I have had to make major changes in my life. I have had to really listen to my body and do what is best for me so that I don’t crash and burn in the future. I have made plenty of mistakes. I have messed with my medication and paid the consequences. I have had to deal with the side affects of the medications. I have had to miss out on important things because I can’t move. I have tricked myself into believing that I am okay and have gone backwards in my symptom management. But I have also really gotten to know myself: my body, my capabilities, my capacity, my resilience. Because I am experiencing this on a daily basis, I have learned that I don’t want to miss out on life.
I don’t want to have any regrets. So I am forced to live a life of balance, which I am finding is a good thing. And I have found my smile again.
Leah Nash
2012 – While driving one day, the white lines on the road seemed to multiply and I wasn’t sure of the lane I was driving in. Shook it off and went home. The next day I was playing golf and while looking down at the ball noticed that there were 2 balls… not a ball and a shadow but 2 balls. I had to reach down to determine which one was real.
Since I was experiencing vision issues I went to an ophthalmologist. She sent me to a neurologist. Neither doctor knew what was wrong. After multiple visits the ophthalmologist sent me for a blood test which provided her with the information to properly diagnose me with ocular Myasthenia Gravis. She said I should take the test results back to my neurologist – which I did. The neurologist prescribed 40mg of prednisone and 60 mg of mestinon 4 times a day. My symptoms went away. The doctor weaned me off the prednisone and after a while the double vision returned. He increased my mestinon to 120mg 4 times a day and my double vision ceased. I was on the medication for a few years, no more double vision, and continued all my activities as before. I did not think about MG or was concerned about it. Subsequent follow ups with the neurologist consisted of checking for arm and leg weakness…there was none. I was fine.
But in October 2015, I started to have some swallowing issues. Nothing too dramatic, just sometimes I had a problem swallowing a piece of food and I would regurgitate it to clear my throat. Planning on going to see family in Colorado for the holidays I self prescribed some prednisone for myself.
No big deal, right?
I developed a cold but still flew to Colorado. The temperature when I boarded the flight in Florida was 87 degrees; when I landed in Denver it was a mere 6 degrees. Over the next 24 hours my swallowing became more difficult, my cold got worse and eventually I had my daughter take me to the ER. While answering questions checking into the ER my voice started to slur to the point that I was not intelligible.
I was admitted into the ICU with pneumonia, and because I told the ER doctor I had ocular MG, he had a neurologist see me. By then I could swallow nothing, speech was labored and my oxygen level dropped. Although they attempted to give me medication with apple sauce, pudding, etc…. I could not get it down. They eventually put a tube down my nose into my stomach to provide me with medication and nourishment. I fought off being intubated and kept my oxygen level up to an acceptable level. I then had IVIG every day for 5 days, they gave me 120 MG of prednisone (and told me to go off it when I left the hospital), 1000mg Cellcept 2x a day and gave me antibiotics to fight the pneumonia. I remained in ICU for 7 days and a regular room in the hospital for another day.
MG was no longer no big deal.
I rested in Colorado for another week before flying back to Florida. Since then, I am now on 20 mg prednisone and still on the 120 mg Mestinon 4x a day as well as the Cellcept, I see an MG specialist and am plugged in to a local support group. I feel I have a new normal now. I play 9 holes of golf twice a week, limit my other outdoor activities and rest when I can. I eat softer foods, and much slower. I have not had a steak since 2015, as my chewing gets difficult after a while. I also eat earlier than I used to. (Nothing but soft foods, i.e. pudding, yogurt, etc. after 7pm.) When I look at a menu, I do not look at the description of the food as much as thinking about how chewable it is and whether or not I could swallow it.
There are some days when I just feel weak. Since I am retired – and no commitments to speak of, I am able to take those days as my body needs me to and just take it easy. I limit my evening activities and sometimes will be out with friends and just participate by listening. Whereas I was once the center of attention, dominating conversations I now limit my talking in the evening. I still sometimes have slurred speech but nothing I can’t deal with. I have MG and am very conscious of it.
I think before I act and live with a “new normal”.
MG is no longer just no big deal.
Stan Kotzker
October 2012 was one of the happiest times in my life. I had just married the man of my dreams in September. We had a wonderful, relaxing honeymoon and I was floating on cloud 9. I remember during this time the way I pronounced my words seemed “different”. I was having an issue with my wisdom tooth so I assumed this was the cause. Shortly thereafter, my speech was completely slurred. I scheduled an appointment with the oral surgeon (still thinking it was the tooth). When I told the oral surgeon about my slurred speech, he refused to extract the tooth. He suspected Bell’s Palsy. He wanted me to get it checked out. I’m glad he did.
Over the next few weeks, my symptoms progressed fairly quickly. Slurred speech was accompanied by difficulty swallowing, weakness in my eyes, difficulty chewing, weakness in my neck and shoulders. I made countless visits to my primary physician and the ER. Finally, they diagnosed me with anxiety. That’s right; anxiety. My symptoms were “apparently” the result of stress and I was referred to a psychologist and given anti-depressants and Xanax. Hmm, how can this be stress when I am overwhelmed with happiness? I’m a newlywed for goodness sake! I knew deep down that what I was going through was not the result of stress. Something was wrong and I felt like nobody was listening to me. I received a referral to a Neurologist and had several MRI’s and CT scans. In my mind, I was hoping for an answer, but I really didn’t want to know. I felt that whatever they found would determine my fate. God became my best friend. He gave (and still gives) me a sense of peace because I know that he protects me. The neurologist decided to give me muscle relaxers (big mistake). She could not pinpoint what was wrong. I kept a journal of everything I was experiencing. Every time I pulled it out to explain my symptoms, I felt like I was being dismissed. I was so proud of myself for keeping a journal. I thought this information would be helpful for doctor’s to figure out what was wrong with me. Their response made me feel as though I was burdening them.
Finally, the neurologist suspected MG and had me do the blood work. I worried and worried and worried some more. I was scared of MG. As I read about it, I automatically assumed that a surgeon was going to split open my chest to remove my thymus gland. The test results came back and I got that fated call. “Good news! You don’t have MG. There is nothing more I can do for you so I’ll refer you to rheumatology”. I just want to know what is wrong with me! Somebody help me please! Of course, the rheumatologist drew thousands of tubes of blood to test. At least that’s what it felt like. And of course, nothing was found. She referred me back to neurology and guess what else she said? You guessed it. “Maybe you’re just experiencing stress.” Would I never get my answers? I faithfully met with the psychologist. She taught me deep breathing techniques and ways to relax my mind. Thankfully, the psychologist must have a medical doctor sit in on the counseling sessions. The medical doctor knew something was wrong. She decided to put me on 60mg of prednisone for 1 week. After day 2, my symptoms were clear. Yessssss! I can speak, I can swallow, and I can chew! This doctor was a God send. She knew it was something autoimmune and told me to contact her if my symptoms clear up. I was symptom free for about 3 weeks. Then, the symptoms slowly started coming back. I received prednisone again. They cleared up, but not as much as the first time I was given a dose of this demon drug. Eventually, all of my symptoms came back, this time with full force. Only this time, I now was able to see two of everything. Cool, right? Not! Imagine driving with double vision and not knowing which lane you’re in. I was hospitalized again. The neurologist in the hospital was positive it was MG. I told her that I was tested and that I didn’t have it. She requested my records from the initial neurologist. She was overly ecstatic when she told me that I did in fact have MG. I must admit that I was happy too. I finally knew that what I was experiencing had a name.
It was not stress, it was Myasthenia Gravis. She thoroughly reviewed the results of my initial test. She pointed out that I was MuSK positive. The first neurologist missed this. Do you mean to tell me I could have been diagnosed for 4 months, but she missed it? I immediately started on high doses of Prednisone (100mg) and CellCept. I remained in the hospital for 1 week. I was discharged on a Saturday and ended up back in ER on Sunday. Apparently, I developed the flu and this exacerbated my symptoms. I was treated for MG. This time with IVIG and was give Tamiflu for the Flu. Another week in the hospital went by. I was discharged and found an outpatient neurologist to follow up with. My current neurologist noticed that I still had some weakness after my bout with MG and the flu. He decided that I needed plasmapheresis. I did this for 5 days. It took several weeks for me to regain my energy. I felt much better once I did. Finally, my MG was under control. Then life hit me with another curveball. I had a near death experience when I almost passed out due to having 4 blood clots in my lungs. Fast forward, no clotting disorder was ever found. My hematologist was only able to conclude that the prednisone thickened my blood and caused the clots. I am on blood thinner for life.
My MG is in remission. I still suffer from fatigue, but I am an MG warrior!
Tashana Siller
I’m telling my story as a parent with a child who has Juvenile Myasthenia Gravis.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Felicia Smith, and I too have Myasthenia Gravis. This story is not one that’s easy to write. It’s been a long struggle of things I never wanted or thought my child would have to endure in her life. It became official in 2014. She was only 12. My daughter had my horrible disease. I was mad. I was angry. I cried and I felt guilty, so very guilty for giving her a life long sentence that I knew would always be a challenge. Me being sick was one thing, but watching her suffer, watching her while knowing what the outcome of this disease is, was heartbreaking. She had grown up watching her Mommy be sick her entire life. How much more harsh can life be? Why her? Why us? A mixed bag of emotions as a parent, that only a parent who knows the disease inside out could understand.
We had been going to several doctors over the course of three years. You see, she’s been down the road of unknowns herself. The doctors only saw a child who couldn’t explain to them what was wrong. She only knew she felt bad and that’s what she told them, over and over. It became a waiting game for us.
We waited at endless doctors offices, we waited in hospital rooms, we waited on tests, we waited on labs, we waited on answers, we waited for our daughter to be a kid. Most of all, we waited on a diagnosis. It became very evident that Savannah was tired of waiting. She dreaded yet another visit, another poke with a needle, another doctor telling her they couldn’t find anything wrong. We would make it to the car and she would cry. She would cry out of fear and anger and so would I. I laid awake at night crying for my child. Crying to God, certain He had forgotten my baby and me. I was becoming angry with Him. I myself was becoming bitter to every doctor and nurse we saw. They treated her as if she just needed to not think about how she felt and try to be more active and gain more friendships.
I will never forget the first hospital stay with her, still without a diagnosis. I was very ill myself with my MG and hadn’t left her side in the hospital. As you can imagine I am weak and as exhausted as she was. I had mentioned to one of the doctors that I had MG, can they please check her because of her symptoms. I got a rapid response. “There is nothing wrong with your daughter, you just WANT her to have the same disease you have. She just needs a better sleep pattern and to be on public school and not home schooled”. What just happened? Were they serious!? I lost my cool that day, I was no longer the complacent mother who was doing what the doctors told her. I was a mother bear, an angry one who was woken too early in the spring. I went into attack mode. I lashed back like I never had before over my child, enough so that we were dismissed from the hospital. I admit, it is not my proudest moment, but looking back, it was the best thing that ever could of happened. We kept pushing. Kept looking, seeking out all pediatric doctors we could. Every single one was a dead end. No one would listen to my thoughts on MG, telling me it wasn’t hereditary that I was over thinking this. Along the way she was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis. I thought I had an answer, albeit not a great one. It comes with its own challenges.
We started treatment and still, I saw the signs of MG and mentioned it to her rheumatoligst. He assured me once again it was just muscle weakness from her JA and she needed to build up muscles. I wasn’t happy with his answer. I kept seeing other doctors outside of his care. I finally took her to the retina specialist who had taken a chance on me. After all, what did we have to loose? I said, “PLEASE look at her!” I begged him to give her the mestinon and see if it worked for her too. He gave us a script for a cat scan to check her thymus and for mestinon. Her thymus was indeed enlarged and the medicines were working! A simple CT and a listening ear gave us answers we were desperate for! We got her into the MDA clinic to see Dr. Weiss. He looked at me and said, “I don’t know how they missed this. I can’t believe all they have put you both through”. We couldn’t believe it either but it was nice to hear a doctor say it. She had a complete thymectomy in November of 2014. It was so hard watching my baby suffer and go through pain that only I, her mother, would ever understand.
She has an electric wheelchair for bad days and sadly good days are still few and far between, but we cling to hope that she will gain remission. So we are back to waiting, but waiting on a different ending. All of this is proof that a mother’s intuition is never wrong. Never stop fighting for your child. Be their voice. Felicia Smith, Mother to an amazing and a strong, little warrior with the spirit of a fighter deep down inside.
MG Hope: " What is Myasthenia Gravis to you?"
Tyler M : " Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular/autoimmune disease that affects the way I walk, see, smile, and breathe. It is a disease that completely changed my life in both good and bad ways. It not only affected my physical being, but my emotional and mental being."
MG Hope: " How has it changed your life both positively and negatively? "
Tyler M: " MG has changed my life in many ways, both positively and negatively. On the negative side I struggle with daily tasks, I’ve lost friends, and I can no longer do things spontaneously. I struggle with walking quite a bit and use a cane. Most of the friends I had before I became ill slowly faded out of my life. They just don’t understand MG and what it’s like to live with a chronic illness. They expect me to be able to do everything I used to do and I just can’t. That has been difficult for me at times. I would love to be called the day of and go do something with friends or just hangout, but I can’t really do that anymore. Everything must be planned out, is it an accessible place, are there stairs/elevators, will I have to walk far, will I have to stand or sit for too long, can I drive there (how far is it) and is there handicapped parking?
On the positive side, I have met so many wonderful people that have been extremely supportive and helpful with my questions. I have gained access to what sometimes feels like an exclusive club, the MG community. Another positive thing is that I’ve slowed down (against my will) both literally and figuratively, and have learned to appreciate the little things in life. I’m so grateful to have met such wonderful people that not only understand MG, but understand me too, like my online friends, but also some friends from college. They’re the best. Do I wish I wasn’t sick? Of course, but would I change my experience? No."
MG Hope: " MG hasn’t kept you from pursuing a college education. How do you make that work for you?"
Tyler M: " Before my diagnosis, I had started my undergraduate degree, a BS in Computer Information Systems and Technology. I was a very active member of my campus community, participating in various activities, being president of our LGBTS Alliance, serving as an orientation counselor to incoming students for a few years, working a work study job, and taking 12 credits (full time) per semester.
While trying to get diagnosed, I was stuck using a powered scooter to get around our campus, even though it is tiny compared to most. My grades slipped a little and I had to withdraw from most of my courses, but I stayed in school throughout it all. I was determined to finish what I had started, taking just 3 credits a semester in an effort to get the 120 credits needed to graduate. I was also still in my work study job, however I soon had to quit as I couldn’t make it to work much and do one class a semester.
After my diagnosis, I’m still in college part time taking 3 to 6 credits a semester. I do receive accommodations and my professors are usually very understanding of my illness. I ask for leniency with attendance and occasionally extensions to get work done. I live on campus with an amazing roommate. He’s very understanding and accepting of my illness and me in general. He does a lot for me, including cleaning the dorm (most of the hard work), and taking out the trash and recycling as I can’t carry it long enough to get to the dumpster/recycling bins. While I have slowed down quite a bit, I’m still president of the LGBTS Alliance which is often a lot of work, but my fellow officers are very helpful and often take over when I can’t be at an event or meeting. I’m also part of a diversity committee to the president of our campus and have been since it was formed in 2013. While I occasionally need my powered scooter still, many days I get around with just my cane. Overall college is a lot of work, but I’m determined to finish what I started and that determination is what drives me to keep going."
MG Hope: " What advice would you offer someone else with MG who is trying to achieve their dreams in spite of it all?"
Tyler M: " My advice would be to take it slow, know your limitations, and ask for help whenever you need it. I understand that may take some time, but I personally believe it is necessary in order to keep going."
MG Hope: " What do you wish others understood most about MG and your life now?"
Tyler M: " I wish others understood that I am not the same person I was before my illness. Any chronic illness can change your entire being. I wish they understood just how difficult it is to be exhausted all the time, to be weak most days, and still have to function. I wish they knew the fatigue that comes with myasthenia gravis and the fact that it is a chronic illness that is not going to go away."
Myasthenia Gravis came and took my breath away, quite literally. Just shy of my twenty-third birthday, my whole world changed. In the beginning of August 2011, I was running on a beach with a glorious tan, laughing and carefree with my younger cousins. My future beckoned to me, the possibilities endless, my dreams just in sight. By the end of August, I was in a wheelchair, paralyzed in the legs and wondering if I was ever going to walk again. The ensuing weeks were terrifying and exhausting. They were also only the beginning.
MG propelled me through a rotating door of frightening non-stop ER visits and clueless doctors who berated me, ignored me, mocked me, threatened me and dismissed me. I endured endless testing and sardonic questioning that ultimately left me in a place that caused me to question myself, my own sanity. Even after my hard fought diagnosis, I struggled to find a sense of balance. I was overdosed or under-dosed, misunderstood and afraid. Each doctor had their own opinion and none could agree with the other. All held one unifying opinion, however. Each emphatically believed that I was exaggerating, that I could not possibly be THAT sick. After all, Myasthenia Gravis was “easily managed”, right?
I did not learn to respect where Myasthenia Gravis can take you until I was faced with my first life and death encounter, until that agonizing span of time where my life slowly ebbed away as my mother held me choking and gasping in her arms in a small hospital room, surrounded by professionals perplexed at how to help me. Each time a crisis washed over me, I learned anew what fear was, what life really meant and how fleeting it can be. I learned right then and there the foolish frailty of believing that MG was ever a simple disease for the majority it inhabits.
I will always be a Myasthenic. It quite literally runs through my veins and is in my blood. That thought used to frighten me. While I must acknowledge the hell of MG, I too am given to honor the blessing that it can be. MG taught me that moments matter, that we are not promised the future and that God can bring beauty from the ashes. It has been a refining fire in my life that has brought new depth and a better understanding of my fellow warrior. It has also propelled me into the heat of the fight for awareness, for keen understanding on what MG often is, not what we have so long believed it to be. MG also served to hone my passions I once thought long lost to a rare disease, into a desire to showcase the humanity behind our suffering so that solidarity and hope may shine through.
Myasthenia Gravis is just the beginning for me.
Rebekah Dorr
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